The Art Of Sensual Dance for Everyone!!
Learn the Moves!!
Practice the "Moves" and then use these guide's to follow a routine. You'll soon
feel confident enogh to do the dances alone! ENJOY your Sensual self!!
:: Go slow; use your own beat & rhythm.
:: Or do all the moves to the count of 4
:: Concentrate on the TEASE!!
:: Moving slowly create's tension & tension creates Passion!!
:: There is more in what you DON'T see than what you DO!!
:: Walk for 4 beats,gazing at person
:: Side wiggle
:: leg extension with sensual slide (SS)
:: 4 hip rolls with hands floating in air, or on your body
:: 2 quarter-turn moves to back
:: bend over with flat back
:: hands down inner and/or outer leg
:: bring legs together
:: knee jockey with hands on derriere
:: quarter-turn to side
:: hip thrust with SS
:: coy curtsy
:: continue in your own style and/or
:: sit on partner's lap
:: leave them BREATHLESS for the next installment!!
:: 2 head rolls
:: 1 sensual slide (SS) down neck
:: Breast squeeze with SS:: 2 hip rolls
:: coy curtsy
:: drag nails up top of legs
:: quarter-turn to side
:: hip thrust with SS
:: quarter-turn to back
:: Spread legs and bend over, flat back
:: little back and forth butt wiggle
:: gaze at partner from over the shoulder
:: knee jockey with hands on sides or derriere
:: quarter turn to side
:: self hug with neck back
:: look at person with passionate, "I'm the Goddess for you" look!
:: 1 shoulder roll playing with straps and/or caressing shoulder
:: quarter turn, back to front
:: breast squeeze leaning towards partner
:: SS down neck and cleavage
:: shimmy back and forth twice
:: leg exstension with SS
:: Continue in your own style and/or
:: sit in partner's lap...or whatever your fancy!!
WHOOooo HOoooo!!
Picture found on Google images...not sure who to give the credit too!
Practice the "Moves" and then use these guide's to follow a routine. You'll soon
feel confident enogh to do the dances alone! ENJOY your Sensual self!!
:: Go slow; use your own beat & rhythm.
:: Or do all the moves to the count of 4
:: Concentrate on the TEASE!!
:: Moving slowly create's tension & tension creates Passion!!
:: There is more in what you DON'T see than what you DO!!
:: Walk for 4 beats,gazing at person
:: Side wiggle
:: leg extension with sensual slide (SS)
:: 4 hip rolls with hands floating in air, or on your body
:: 2 quarter-turn moves to back
:: bend over with flat back
:: hands down inner and/or outer leg
:: bring legs together
:: knee jockey with hands on derriere
:: quarter-turn to side
:: hip thrust with SS
:: coy curtsy
:: continue in your own style and/or
:: sit on partner's lap
:: leave them BREATHLESS for the next installment!!
:: 2 head rolls
:: 1 sensual slide (SS) down neck
:: Breast squeeze with SS:: 2 hip rolls
:: coy curtsy
:: drag nails up top of legs
:: quarter-turn to side
:: hip thrust with SS
:: quarter-turn to back
:: Spread legs and bend over, flat back
:: little back and forth butt wiggle
:: gaze at partner from over the shoulder
:: knee jockey with hands on sides or derriere
:: quarter turn to side
:: self hug with neck back
:: look at person with passionate, "I'm the Goddess for you" look!
:: 1 shoulder roll playing with straps and/or caressing shoulder
:: quarter turn, back to front
:: breast squeeze leaning towards partner
:: SS down neck and cleavage
:: shimmy back and forth twice
:: leg exstension with SS
:: Continue in your own style and/or
:: sit in partner's lap...or whatever your fancy!!
WHOOooo HOoooo!!
Picture found on Google images...not sure who to give the credit too!
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