As we see the picture is more then just about body parts and is more about couples. Not just about idolizing each other or each others body parts though more about enjoying each other and each others body parts. In talking about body parts, we sometimes only think of buttocks, breasts, and navels. Fingers, feet, penis's and even vagina's are body parts yet we talk so little of them and at times do not even admit we have them. The neck is one of the most pleasurable areas of the body as much as the breasts. There is something so sexy about the curve of a woman's stomach with her hips that drive men wild!!! How about a naked back....? Perhaps as have the mystery of the back while not viewing the front. The eyes are sometimes forgotten as we sometimes over shadow them with spectacles, make-up or even too much hair. Foot massages are sometimes the most tender and sexual foreplay techniques. To tease a woman's breast with the palm of ones hand is extremely erotic.
A full body massage with a warm oil is what one could call a communion and marriage of ones hands and your lovers body unlike any other. An edible oil would even be better. As the lips and tongue can follow where the hands have just left. Body part on body part-togetherness could not be sweeter.
The ears are another body parts that oozes sex appeal. Not just a simple whisper in the ear not just a finger tracing the ear or the neck just below though a slightly wet tongue that can make your partner scream with passion and ache crying out for more.....Legs are often glamorized by tanning salons, tanning creams, and hurtful waxing. Legs should be massaged with lotion as much as the feet. The inner thigh needs mentioning as the the sensitivity increases as your hand or tongue goes further and further. We have the lips, the tongue...body parts that not only receive pleasure yet give pleasure.
They have even developed toys for the tongue such as the Screaming O "Ling-O Vibrating Tongue Ring".
We sometimes forget many of our body parts and they can do for us and what we can do for them....I recommend included a different body part in your love making to spice things up and to enrich your passion. While making love to your partner, make love to their body. Listen to her her body.....learning more from each other more in an hour then any one could hope to teach you in a year.
Earl F Spangler
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