$44.00 (s-m-l) |
Within many centuries fashion in regard to lingerie style was switching between the feminine and boyish, painful and practical. Gone are the days of cone-shaped bust, "wasp waist", and "false buttocks". Today, lingerie is the most beautiful, luxurious and feminine clothes that is worn intimately and appreciated for its practicality and comfort. As we do are research history kind of weaves back and forth.
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It is impossible to say exactly when the history of lingerie started, the first pieces of underwear can be traced back to the ancient civilization of Egypt and Greece around 3000 B.C., when women of Crete wore corsets to support the breasts. Another researcher tell s us that"One female figure from 2000 B.C., found in Crete, depicts the first recorded corset-like bodice and crinoline (a caged or hoped underskirt) that shoves the bare breast upward (Ewing 1972)".
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$18.00(os/red-white-black) |
16th-18th Century
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The padded silhouette with a flat stomach, narrow waist, and cone-shaped bust was in fashion. The corset, an essential part of any woman's wardrobe of that time, gave woman's bodies unnatural shapes, compressing their internal organs and causing them to faint. Excessive use of satin, silk, and damask, decorated with embroidery, ribbons and laces created the effect of artistry. The corset, arguably the most controversial garment in the entire history of fashion, was officially introduced when women began inserting rigid materials such as whalebone into the “busk” or “basque” of cloth bodices in the late sixteenth century (Steele 2001).
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The prototype of the corset appears in a twelfth-century manuscript. This manuscript includes a depiction of the devil or “fiend of fashion,” represented as a woman (Steele 2001) The basque was a slot down the center front of the corset that was thicker at the top than at the bottom and could extend from above the bust to the waist. It was sometimes decorated with amorous images and phrases and was often used as a lover’s token.
$12.00(os/white,red,black) |
The corset was often referred to as a “stay,” meaning “support,” perhaps implying the female body was naturally weak (Steele 2001). Scholars often discuss both the status symbol of the corset as well as its erotic appeal in the way it exaggerates the curves of a woman by making the breasts and hips protrude in an hourglass shape. The lacing of the corset is also often symbolic of sexual intercourse, and some theorists argue that the corset was a surrogate for the body itself (Steele 2001). The corset has had many dissenters ranging from doctors who argued the corset was responsible for causing miscarriages and deformities to feminists who argue the corset effectively repressed and victimized women (Kunzle 2004). The corset was often referred to as a “stay,” meaning “support,” perhaps implying the female body was naturally weak (Steele 2001)
$40.00(32-34-56-38) |
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$40.00 (32-34-36-38) |
19th Century
W omens bodies were controlled by corsets, crinolines and bustles. S-shaped silhouette came into being: the corset with a bustle in back made a woman sit with the very tip of her bottom on the edge of the chair. Women wore about 5 pounds of underwear (knickers, corsets, waist slip) and corseted themselves tighter then ever. The crinoline supported yards of fabric that completely exaggerated a woman's figure."In 1913, Mary Phelps Jacob, later known as Caresse Crosby, felt the corset was too restrictive for dancing in the nightclubs and claimed she invented the bra by tying two handkerchiefs together with ribbons. In contrast to the Victorian whalebone bodices and corsets, Jacob’s brassiere was soft, short, and gave a clear, natural separation between the breasts. She later sold the patent to Warner Brothers. The tango craze in 1915--as well as World War I and, to a lesser and indirect extent, the woman’s movement--encouraged the demise of the corset. The farewell to tighter garments, however, was short lived as woman turned to the girdle to achieve the long, lean, and androgynous clapper look of the 1920s"(1. http://www.randomhistory.com/1-50/028lingerie.html)
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$24.00(os) |
$28.00(s-m-l-2x-4x) |
20th Century
Lingerie became simpler and more practical. Corsets were substituted for a more flexible girdle with the modern bra. Paste colours for lingerie came into use. In 1910 boyish silhouette was "in". No waist, no hips, no bottom figure was a model of admiration. In the 1930's femininity was back again. A women was decently covered by the one-piece garments known as corsets consisting of a rounded and bust-emphasizing brassiere and girdle with garters. But one-piece corsets continued to be widely used. Panties grew smaller and smaller and eventually took the shape of bikini briefs.
"After the war, however, and during the Great Depression, bosoms returned. The “bra,” a shortened from of “brassiere,” changed from flattening breasts in the 1920s to accentuating them. In 1935, Warner Brothers introduced cup sizes, which acknowledged that women come in all shapes and sizes. The “alphabet bra” consisted of four cup sizes: A, B, C, and D. Double-D came along later and Double-A later still (Ewing 1976). During World War II, materials used to make undergarments, such as steel and rubber, were in short supply, so manufactures turned to synthetic materials which would eventually lead to Lycra, rayon, and Latex". (http://www.randomhistory.com/1-50/028lingerie.html)
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$28.00 (s-m-l-2x-4x) |
21th Century
Fashion is pushing women to show off the underwear as outerwear that is worn for the visual enjoyment of a partner. Lingerie is to be thought of by many woman as a second skin. Currently there is lingerie for all situations and intentions, including lingerie that is padded, gel-filled, air-filled, strapless, and backless. Also offered are the sexy thong, teddy, chemise, and peignoir as well as a plethora of everyday bras and panties. Contemporary lingerie can be whatever women want it to be. From “granny panties” to G-strings to fetish wear, women have more choices now than at any time in history (Kunzle 2004).(http://www.randomhistory.com/1-50/028lingerie.html)
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Featured Lingerie: Dreamgirl International is recognized as a leading international manufacturer and marketer of Contemporary Costumes and $50Sexy Lingerie. With International Sourcing capabilities and a strong US based Sales force coupled with an international network of Distributors, Dreamgirl Merchandise can be found in over 5,000 leading retailers, home party plans and on internet sites located around the world. http://www.elegantpleasureparties.com
$15.00(os) |
$15.00(os) |
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